Thursday, January 28, 2016

Here are some objects for learning or teaching math in minecraft #evomc16 :

Here are some objects for learning or teaching math in minecraft #evomc16 :
See it in my ePortfolio blog:

The area-land
(picture below)
The learningcontext
A square with width and length of 1 meter has the area of 1m² (Square meter, in german 1 Quadratmeter).width and length of 1
The next area has a width and length of 2 meter. But how about the area. Looking at the object you can see something special.
(now you should first look at he objects in the minecraft-world)
Although the width and length is doubled the area is not 2m²! The area is 4m².
Same with the next square. The width and length is 3m and the area is not 3m²! The area is 9m².
What is the ares of a square with 5m width and length?
Build it in minecraft and count. Or if you can, than you just calculate it :-)

The volume-land
(picture below)
The learningcontext
A block with width and length of 1 meter has the volume of 1m³ (1 cubic meter).
Walk through the minecraft-world and examine the volume of the other blocks.
(now you should first look at he objects in the minecraft-world)
Although the width and length is doubled the volume is not 2m³! The area is 8m³.

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This is about the best I've been able to do so far.

This is about the best I've been able to do so far. I can't get comments to upload consistently to blogger. It might be a bandwidth ...