Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I would like to announce the discovery and mapping of an ocean mansion.

I would like to announce the discovery and mapping of an ocean mansion. (my first ever :) ) I would like to mount a "proper" expedition to explore and document, and would like to share the experience with anyone who would like to join me, and is willing to patiently approach it in the same manner... (not breaking any of the blocks that make up the mansion). This makes it a more difficult challenge, but for me, that's where the fun lies, esp. when you have a large group involved. (one "well-equipped" person COULD just cut their way in and grab the loot, and be in-and-out in 15 minutes leaving a chopped up mess; but that to me doesn't seem a good use of a rare resource in a community environment (one person's opinion))

So, "who's with me"?
(and I guess, if we are doing it, when are some good times?)

sorry - was sleepy and forgot to down-res... big file :(

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This is about the best I've been able to do so far.

This is about the best I've been able to do so far. I can't get comments to upload consistently to blogger. It might be a bandwidth ...