Abu Fletcher a.k.a. Don Carroll had procured two rounds of potion for breathholding and night vision and was kind enough to share them with me. He was also kind enough to jump first and thus receive the shock of the nearest guardian. My heads-up text display notified me of his demise but regrets were soon overcome by the ethereal nature of the experience of scuba diving around and through the wondrously intact and submerged temple he and Mattie had discovered and built an infrastructure around to facilitate access. It was challenging to maintain level with thumb pounding space bar (rapid descent otherwise being the default) and having to change directions to back off from approaching guardians by toggling between W and S, on one hand, while controlling direction via the mouse with my other, all the while finding a finger to poke F2 now and then. I wish I had videoed the experience but we went into it so quickly. Lots of guardians in these shots, but i managed to avoid them for several minutes. Thanks Don for inviting me to the party.
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