Wednesday, February 28, 2018

trying to "kill two birds"...

trying to "kill two birds"...

this is a link to a pdf version of a "work in progress"
it is stored in Steve's shared EVOMC folder for Google Docs, where there is also a copy of the Google Sheets file used to create it
it is currently a "rework" of the Design Notes file, that now speaks to the "How to link to a gplus community post" question, and will end up being the list of "important words" (starting with "world building" (is the plan at least )) ;)

BIG FILE WARNING! (in the neighborhood of 9MB)

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This is about the best I've been able to do so far.

This is about the best I've been able to do so far. I can't get comments to upload consistently to blogger. It might be a bandwidth ...