perhaps construction of large metal structures during a thunderstorm is "unwise" (?)... ;) (construction on the "Valley Forge" is delayed temp. by inclement weather) It's rather unnerving, even if it is "virtual" lightning.
Don Carroll asks how to make simple gameplay videos like the one I published earlier. Here is a video I made recently explaining how I got OBS Studio up and running on my new laptop. This is part of an ongoing project I have been working on whereby I remember how to use OBS, forget how, and then recall the steps by making tutorials for myself, mainly. This video follows presentations I have made teaching colleagues about OBS and which I keep dabbling with here, Hope this helps address your extreme technological ignorance as it does mine :-)
I made a quaint little video showing how an advanced novice Minecrafter might get through the first 20 minutes of survival mode. I accompanied it with a written explanation of my strategy for going from scratch to avoiding death-by-zombie, This should be good for a larff if nothing else :-)
Hi all, I'm on my way to Chile to give a talk at WorldCALL 2018 in Concepcion and meanwhile I was asked to give a 5-6 minute "Lightning Talk" which I recorded and which was presumably played at the Educause conference on Nov 1 in Denver. It's a quick overview of EVO Minecraft MOOC and serves as a trailer of my presentation at WorldCALL (we have to give the organizers a thumb drive with the slides or pdf to be uploaded for us on the conference computers, no personal devices allowed).