Greetings all. The incoming batch of #evomc18 co-moderators have submitted a proposal for the next round of EVO sessions. Deadline for submission was extended to Sept 30, so we should be hearing from them shortly.
Meanwhile if you are planning to attend the 2018 TESOL CONFERENCE in Chicago this March, you might want to join Jeff Kuhn, +Aaron Schwartz, and I in our on-site PRESENTATION on EVO Minecraft MOOC at the CALL-IS Electronic Village Tech Fair. All you would need to do is (1) appear with us live in Chicago, (2) talk informally to people about EVOMC18, and (3) maybe push a mouse around a bit on a screen showing Minecraft.
The deadline for adding presenters to the proposal has been extended to Sunday Oct 8, so let us know by then if you can join us.
Here is our proposal summary
Join EVO Minecraft MOOC, in its 4th year as a community of practice, live in Chicago or online in Minecraft. Experience EV participants interacting with community members, controlling avatars in Minecraft, and learning how Minecraft enables language learning. Have your questions answered; even join the community if you wish.
Incidentally, word on the street is that CALL-IS is short of proposals to its on-site EV fairs this year, so chances are higher than usual that yours might be accepted if you can get it in by Oct 8 using the CfP link below. All you have to do is write is a 50 word summary and a 100 word abstract, give your presenter details, and click.