trying to "kill two birds"...
this is a link to a pdf version of a "work in progress"
it is stored in Steve's shared EVOMC folder for Google Docs, where there is also a copy of the Google Sheets file used to create it
it is currently a "rework" of the Design Notes file, that now speaks to the "How to link to a gplus community post" question, and will end up being the list of "important words" (starting with "world building" (is the plan at least )) ;)
BIG FILE WARNING! (in the neighborhood of 9MB)
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Jane Chien +Mattie Tsai I understand now why Mattie said he wanted the igloo and ALSO the laboratory underneath it.
Jane Chien +Mattie Tsai I understand now why Mattie said he wanted the igloo and ALSO the laboratory underneath it. I was watching a video about MC structures and was surprised to learn that about half of all igloos have a long vertical shaft with a ladder under the carpet that goes down to a laboratory. Sadly, my igloo isn't one of them. Sorry, Mattie.
The video also mentioned jungle temples (which i never found since I hated spending time in jungle biomes) and a large library with spider webs and loot inside (that I hadn't even heard of).
The video also mentioned jungle temples (which i never found since I hated spending time in jungle biomes) and a large library with spider webs and loot inside (that I hadn't even heard of).
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
How to play Snapshots = upcoming updates in single player mode.

How to play Snapshots = upcoming updates in single player mode.
1- Click on the menu
Found : Learning English in Minecraft: A Case Study on Language
Found : Learning English in Minecraft: A Case Study on Language
Competences and Classroom Practices
Competences and Classroom Practices
Want to swim and play with turtles :)
Want to swim and play with turtles :) . Update Aquatic is the upcoming 1.13 Minecraft update with new mobs, such as turtles, and lots of new things for the ocean bioms and some on land as well. Here's a video looking at the changes (you'll get used to his exuberance :) )
Saturday, February 24, 2018
I wanted to confirm and document for others the location of the ocean monuments surrounding the the last dive...

I wanted to confirm and document for others the location of the ocean monuments surrounding the the last dive location (/warp om_temple) but instead I couldn't helping pushing the envelop a bit more. The initial goal was to make it to south coordinates 18,000...and it turns out there is another ocean monument just about there.
Then I told myself I might as well go for the good, round number of 20,000. That's a more satisfying number to end on.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Don't forget that EVO 2018 holds its annual closing ceremony this Sun Feb 25 at 1400 UTC.
Don't forget that EVO 2018 holds its annual closing ceremony this Sun Feb 25 at 1400 UTC. You are invited to come online to discuss, reflect, and relate your stories about your experience in EVO2018 this past January-February.
In a break from tradition, this year's closing webinar is the week after the official end of the sessions to give moderators and participants a window in which to wrap up their own sessions.
As usual, the session will be held in Bb Collaborate and streamed on YouTube, with opportunities for you to join us live in BbC or participate in real-time in the YouTube or Chatwing text chats.
The live webinar will be in Bb Collaborate at the link here:
You can watch the stream on
where you can join the conversation live or leave any questions at
Click on to see links to the Google slide presentation in progress, the time of the event where you are, how to test your connection, practice, or get help if you need it.
Hope to see you there on Sunday.
In a break from tradition, this year's closing webinar is the week after the official end of the sessions to give moderators and participants a window in which to wrap up their own sessions.
As usual, the session will be held in Bb Collaborate and streamed on YouTube, with opportunities for you to join us live in BbC or participate in real-time in the YouTube or Chatwing text chats.
The live webinar will be in Bb Collaborate at the link here:
You can watch the stream on
where you can join the conversation live or leave any questions at
Click on to see links to the Google slide presentation in progress, the time of the event where you are, how to test your connection, practice, or get help if you need it.
Hope to see you there on Sunday.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
What a blast!

What a blast! Sometimes literally. We had four divers for today's underwater expedition: Vance, Maha, Jane, and myself. The view underwater with the Night Vision potion really is extraordinary.
Takes me back to the beginning of my life abroad when I was working in Saudi and driving down to the deserted beaches on the Red Sea on weekends to snorkel. I packed light. Often nothing more than a sheet for sleeping, a few liters of drinking water and a packet of fig newtons purchased in a village market on the drive down. We'd be up at dawn, snorkel in the warm water for an hour or two, come grudgingly back ashore for water and a snack and a brief rest, then back out onto the amazing reef beyond which the sea floor dropped way way off. We'd do at least three sessions a day. Then climb back in the 4-wd for the bone-jarring, hair-raising drive back up from sea level to 6,000+ feet in the Asir.

Just did a recon dive ahead of our group dive later. The underwater landscape here presents some interesting challenges and possibilities. First of all, the "island" is more like an underwater mountain and you can "walk down" the mountain after taking the potions.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Thanks to Dak, we are fully stocked for a Ocean Monument dive session today (maybe around 15:00 UTC).

Thanks to Dak, we are fully stocked for a Ocean Monument dive session today (maybe around 15:00 UTC). Inside the shelter are two chests with all the necessary potions, buckets of milk, food, and extra beds. A proper dive center!
Vance, the warp name you posted doesn't work. I tried several variations on om_templeview (e.g. omtemple_view, omtempleview) and was told those warps don't exist.
I showed Michiyo a few places including the newest OM. Then we swam out, which Michiyo did without any problems.

I showed Michiyo a few places including the newest OM. Then we swam out, which Michiyo did without any problems.
Last swim.

Last swim. I was reviewing prior home points and found one listed simply as "s8temple." This was one of many ocean monuments I found on my ocean crossings. It's quite a ways offshore so I swam past it to see if there might be a closer island on the other side. There was and I set a new home there.
Then I swam on.
And soon came to yet another ocean monument! I attempted to set a home on a sandbar island not too far away, but it was heavily infested with beasties. Did you know that spiders can swim? And will chase you through the ocean???
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Dive strategy.

Dive strategy. Don't get too close to the ocean monument before drinking the potions and diving in. Then let yourself sink to the bottom and "walk" forward. When you are a few steps in front of the monument entrance, float upwards, then step forward onto the monument floor. Now you're inside.
BTW, it would be wiser to dive in the morning for better light. I started in late afternoon.
Monday, February 19, 2018
What happens to all our "loot?" I mean I suppose all of those treasures locked away in chests, just remain locked...
What happens to all our "loot?" I mean I suppose all of those treasures locked away in chests, just remain locked away until the player comes back. But what if I don't come back? What of those 5 blocks (not ingots) of gold, the 24 diamonds, the piles and piles of redstone, etc.? What of all the home points set? Do they disappear at some point?
I'm more than happy to give it away or drop it somewhere.
I'm more than happy to give it away or drop it somewhere.
Who wants my igloo?
Who wants my igloo?
It really isn't "mine" since I just stumbled across it on a multi-day cross-country journey and chose to make it my home base. Once I'm gone, it's gone unless a previous visitor set a home there.
Will anything of EVOMC2018 carry over into EVOMC2019? Will the polar bears ever see another visitor? Will anyone ever visit the ocean monuments I found? Will anyone ever pass this way again? It seems such a shame for all the wonderful places found this year to just disappear.
It really isn't "mine" since I just stumbled across it on a multi-day cross-country journey and chose to make it my home base. Once I'm gone, it's gone unless a previous visitor set a home there.
Will anything of EVOMC2018 carry over into EVOMC2019? Will the polar bears ever see another visitor? Will anyone ever visit the ocean monuments I found? Will anyone ever pass this way again? It seems such a shame for all the wonderful places found this year to just disappear.
Last adventures.

Last adventures. Vance and I explored the mineshaft under the fossil spine. It's quite extensive and there's still much more to explore. But I think that's it for me.
I'll do a couple more dives with Vance before closing the book on my MC experience...which has been more valuable than MC gold. ; )
Note: On this fossil preservation, I used orange terracotta where a piece was obviously missing...and a darker terracotta where there was stone in the place that a piece must certainly have been (since the fossils are all symmetrical). As you can see the coal blocks were left intact.
Some final explorations.

Some final explorations. This morning I "handed the keys" to my "sandstonehouse" over to Mattie. It's his now and he is the process of stocking it and starting a mine within it.
This evening I went for a final (or quasi-final) run through the same desert biome and came across the most buried temple I have yet seen. Have I seen this one before? I honestly don't know. And I don't know where this biome is now that the dynamic map is gone. I suppose the coordinates are still there, but it'll be easier just to get Mattie to tp you to his sandstonehouse...and look from there. I find temples mostly from "running the perimeter" of the desert...and climbing hills.
Good luck to anyone thinking of excavating this one!
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Using video games to foster community and social interaction | Stuart Duncan | TEDxYorkU
Using video games to foster community and social interaction | Stuart Duncan | TEDxYorkU
Today I felt like changing my avatar skin to a tree :) so I went to this site tha I used before...
Today I felt like changing my avatar skin to a tree :) so I went to this site tha I used before and created one and uploaded it from the site to Minecraft. As you can see it's a tree lol but also notice what I have on my head. Yes it's a sapling. How did I manage to wear a sapling?
/hat is a command that allows you to wear an item (not a weapon) that you are holding in your hand. So put something on your hot bar, scroll to it so that you have it in your hand then in chat put /hat and press enter, et voila :) One of the pictures shows me trying a bed as a hat and one as I carried a bucket full of water on my head lol

/hat is a command that allows you to wear an item (not a weapon) that you are holding in your hand. So put something on your hot bar, scroll to it so that you have it in your hand then in chat put /hat and press enter, et voila :) One of the pictures shows me trying a bed as a hat and one as I carried a bucket full of water on my head lol

Hi everyone.
Hi everyone. There is good news and bad. The sad bad news is that today is the last day of #evomc18. The happy glad news is that it is also the first day of #evomc19, or the start of a time of transition between the two. With so much relying on the efforts of so many unpaid but passionately dedicated volunteers there is never a guarantee of who will be with us one year to the next, but EVO Minecraft MOOC has boosted me personally even closer to geek status in Ito's stages of gamesmanship, if I haven't reached there already. I'm certainly enjoying the ride and loving having the rest of you along on each other's shared personal learning journeys.
A few end of session details:
1. Please fill in the brief EVO participant survey for EVO Minecraft MOOC. It should take less than 5 min for you tell EVO how you found #EVOMC18. The link is here:
2. If you are going for a badge, you have until end of March to join our Survivor's Badge spreadsheet with your Google ID and fill in your missions accomplished here
3. You are welcome to join us at the EVO wrap up session live streamed from Bb Collaborate, 1400 UTC Feb 25, details here:
4. I have been given a certificate template and will do my best to find time to distribute these in some way shape or form to moderators and participants.
5. You are welcome to pop by our Minecraft server and continue to post here. We've been here the past 4 years. We're not going anywhere as long as OU pays its electricity bills :-). Well there are also the valiant efforts of our server team, Jeff Kuhn and Aaron Schwartz. A big cheer.
Some of the above is spelled out in our Missions wiki,
More from us later. I'm in MC now. Maha Abdelmoneim has just popped in.
A few end of session details:
1. Please fill in the brief EVO participant survey for EVO Minecraft MOOC. It should take less than 5 min for you tell EVO how you found #EVOMC18. The link is here:
2. If you are going for a badge, you have until end of March to join our Survivor's Badge spreadsheet with your Google ID and fill in your missions accomplished here
3. You are welcome to join us at the EVO wrap up session live streamed from Bb Collaborate, 1400 UTC Feb 25, details here:
4. I have been given a certificate template and will do my best to find time to distribute these in some way shape or form to moderators and participants.
5. You are welcome to pop by our Minecraft server and continue to post here. We've been here the past 4 years. We're not going anywhere as long as OU pays its electricity bills :-). Well there are also the valiant efforts of our server team, Jeff Kuhn and Aaron Schwartz. A big cheer.
Some of the above is spelled out in our Missions wiki,
More from us later. I'm in MC now. Maha Abdelmoneim has just popped in.
After doing some research on the types of fossils in Minecraft, I've done some tentative reconstruction of the...
After doing some research on the types of fossils in Minecraft, I've done some tentative reconstruction of the fossil skull that Sura and I were working on yesterday. At that time I did a pretty thorough job of destroying it because I chopped out all of the coal, which I now know can be carbonized bone fossil.
After watching the video below, I picked the one that seemed to best match for the skull fossil we found, then added blocks of orange terracotta in what seemed to be the missing places. Is it correct?
What do you think?
After watching the video below, I picked the one that seemed to best match for the skull fossil we found, then added blocks of orange terracotta in what seemed to be the missing places. Is it correct?
What do you think?
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Abu Fletcher a.k.a.
Abu Fletcher a.k.a. Don Carroll had procured two rounds of potion for breathholding and night vision and was kind enough to share them with me. He was also kind enough to jump first and thus receive the shock of the nearest guardian. My heads-up text display notified me of his demise but regrets were soon overcome by the ethereal nature of the experience of scuba diving around and through the wondrously intact and submerged temple he and Mattie had discovered and built an infrastructure around to facilitate access. It was challenging to maintain level with thumb pounding space bar (rapid descent otherwise being the default) and having to change directions to back off from approaching guardians by toggling between W and S, on one hand, while controlling direction via the mouse with my other, all the while finding a finger to poke F2 now and then. I wish I had videoed the experience but we went into it so quickly. Lots of guardians in these shots, but i managed to avoid them for several minutes. Thanks Don for inviting me to the party.

Stumbled upon another fossil....this one is quite large, and doesn't look like a skull to me...that is 3 fossils now...

Stumbled upon another fossil....this one is quite large, and doesn't look like a skull to me...that is 3 fossils now found near the same temple in the wonder it was
Come find it and finish excavating. Please do not mine bone or coal.
Who can determine what body part it is? Wow! Maybe we have a whole extinct creature here...not sure...
My dive today (with Vance) was was very short-lived.

My dive today (with Vance) was was very short-lived. That is to say, I was killed by a guardian almost as soon as I jumped in the water. This is the only photo I got...and I'm not proud of it.
Maybe sacrificing myself to the guardians allowed Vance a bit more time.
This is what the inside of a giant fossil skull looks like. Might make a nice bedroom.

This is what the inside of a giant fossil skull looks like. Might make a nice bedroom.
Sura let me help her excavate the second giant fossil she had found.

Sura let me help her excavate the second giant fossil she had found. Doesn't look like much, but definitely looks like something.
Friday, February 16, 2018
Dak with his head in the clouds.

Dak with his head in the clouds. I kneel before a master alchemist as he brews me some (more) underwater breathing and night-vision potions.
With my rucksack loaded with spider string and rotten flesh aplenty I was extremely popular in this village.

With my rucksack loaded with spider string and rotten flesh aplenty I was extremely popular in this village. I got seven emeralds out of the deal.
if you are playing in the waterworld, here is a "hint"...
if you are playing in the waterworld, here is a "hint"...
Is there enough information in this "story" for you to find your way?
(recognizable reference points? directional cues? clues for methods of navigation?)
credit for educational use of copyright music to Disney (Aue Aue from Moana)
Is there enough information in this "story" for you to find your way?
(recognizable reference points? directional cues? clues for methods of navigation?)
credit for educational use of copyright music to Disney (Aue Aue from Moana)

Dang! I decided to finally use the night-vision and underwater breathing potions that Dak gave me a long time ago. The plan was just to take photos. It was working well, but I was having to learn a new way to get around underwater. Also I was zapped by a guardian. This did not end the potions as I expected, but I stupidly decided to get rid of the poison "spirals" by drinking milk. Underwater. This did break both spells and spelled the end of my underwater photography session.
Anyone want to brew me another pair of these potions. I promise to repay you with photos!
Fun things:#1
Fun things:#1
Do you know what happens when you play a jukebox in the presence of Parrots?
Do you know what happens when you play a jukebox in the presence of Parrots?
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Mattie and Emanual continue to surprise me of how much they know about Minecraft mini games.
Mattie and Emanual continue to surprise me of how much they know about Minecraft mini games. Mattie collected snow balls, turned them into snow blocks and created a platform in high altitudes. Emanual explained this game called Spleef.
What can Mircea Patrascu and Dakotah Redstone possibly be up to this far out at sea??

What can Mircea Patrascu and Dakotah Redstone possibly be up to this far out at sea??
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Ships passing in the night ... Anyone else want to chime in?
Ships passing in the night ... Anyone else want to chime in?
Go to the poll for Feb 15 at
This one for Friday and Saturday
Go to the poll for Feb 15 at
This one for Friday and Saturday
Mattie's open to warps!

Mattie's open to warps! Type: /warp matties_island and you'll be right at this shelter with TWO ocean monuments off-shore (connected by a pier), cows, and an underground cavern and abandoned mine shaft.
Once again I encountered an extremely docile spider.

Once again I encountered an extremely docile spider. When I bumped into it, it would just move off a couple of paces. It was clearly "aware" of me as it kept turning its eyes towards me.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
DID YOU KNOW...that you can check the status of a multiplayer server without having to starting the game?
DID YOU KNOW...that you can check the status of a multiplayer server without having to starting the game? Bookmark this tool on Dinnerbone's (one of Minecraft's early developers) page, and enter the address of your favorite server to see the message of the day, the plugin configuration, and the users who are currently online.
Monday, February 12, 2018
The Doodle Polls have hardly been popular this time around though that hasn't prevented us from gathering online for...
The Doodle Polls have hardly been popular this time around though that hasn't prevented us from gathering online for many satisfying encounters amongst ourselves this #evomc18 session. If you'd like to use the polls to increase chances that someone might see when you'll be available, I've set some up for Feb 13-17. Find them here
You can find our polls listed on our live events page
You can find our polls listed on our live events page
Want to see polar bears up-close and personal...but don't want to risk your hide?

Want to see polar bears up-close and personal...but don't want to risk your hide? Now available, two spartan (and yes, I like it like that) all-glass viewing stations.
What exactly is a "realm?" I take from various comments that there can be multiple "realms" on a single server?
What exactly is a "realm?" I take from various comments that there can be multiple "realms" on a single server? Is "nether" a realm or something else? How does one travel between realms?
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Last night (Japan time) I showed Maha around a few favorite spots.

Last night (Japan time) I showed Maha around a few favorite spots. First up was a Polar Bear Safari. Strangely, no cubs this time.
"Holy waterworld Batman!!!" Did someone forget and leave a faucet running?

"Holy waterworld Batman!!!" Did someone forget and leave a faucet running?
A new survival challenge map on Hinderval, posted as a distraction... look! shiny!
;) Dak
Greetings to all...checking in to see if the server is fixed and can save.
Greetings to all...checking in to see if the server is fixed and can save. Thanks for info. Thanks also for all of your efforts!
Greetings all, it's the last week of EVO.
Greetings all, it's the last week of EVO. And #evomc18 is in its 5th week. And evomc#18 is a continuation of #evomc15, 16, and 17, and there may very well be an #evomc19, so it's not the end of EVO Minecraft MOOC, as long as there is a server running to play on, which there continues to be thanks to Aaron Schwartz and Jeff Kuhn.
As MOOCs go, this last week's stage is the focus one. As dave cormier says, in MOOCs people orient, make themselves known to others (declare), network, cluster (as one or two dozen of us have done in these last few weeks), and a good example of focus is Don Carroll and Jane Chien's research project, which might have a life of its own after evomc18, and also my offer to you to consider publishing your reflections on using Minecraft in your workplace in TESL-EJ if you would like to write them up. So all in all a successful MOOC again this year.
If you want to see how we envisage this last week of EVOMC18, you can see our missions wiki here,
There you see you can (1) continue to interact in Minecraft, (2) still get help if you need it just by asking us, (3) work toward your Survivor's Badge if you wish, and (4) fill out the EVO survey of all EVO sessions, including this one, here (Please)
Our live events this time around have mainly been in-world ones, and you can find us in world by filling in the Doodle polls you find here:
If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or reports of outstanding success just leave us a post, or reply here.
As MOOCs go, this last week's stage is the focus one. As dave cormier says, in MOOCs people orient, make themselves known to others (declare), network, cluster (as one or two dozen of us have done in these last few weeks), and a good example of focus is Don Carroll and Jane Chien's research project, which might have a life of its own after evomc18, and also my offer to you to consider publishing your reflections on using Minecraft in your workplace in TESL-EJ if you would like to write them up. So all in all a successful MOOC again this year.
If you want to see how we envisage this last week of EVOMC18, you can see our missions wiki here,
There you see you can (1) continue to interact in Minecraft, (2) still get help if you need it just by asking us, (3) work toward your Survivor's Badge if you wish, and (4) fill out the EVO survey of all EVO sessions, including this one, here (Please)
Our live events this time around have mainly been in-world ones, and you can find us in world by filling in the Doodle polls you find here:
If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or reports of outstanding success just leave us a post, or reply here.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Did you know there are fossils that can be found in MC that are the remains of long extinct creatures?

Did you know there are fossils that can be found in MC that are the remains of long extinct creatures? Abu's paleontologist group may be excite to explore the cave directly left of the once sand-hidden temple. Look for the bone block and please do not mine it.
The temple surrounds look much different now...I try to excavate with as little block destruction as possible when I can.
Find out more here:
The photo is not from this location so as to preserve possible dig excursions.
+Vance Stevens
Cat-herding indeed.
Cat-herding indeed.
+Vance Stevens
Cat-herding indeed.
Cat-herding indeed.
Hi all, I am Thorsten, a teacher from Germany.

Hi all, I am Thorsten, a teacher from Germany. I took part at the emomc16 and am happy to be here again. I probably won't have time to do all the tasks, but I want to be part of it and hope I can support someone in this MOOC.
My goal this time is to learn things about Redstone.
You find me in my house at the beach!
I have the EVO world up and running from my home PC at the moment.
I have the EVO world up and running from my home PC at the moment. Feel free to come back and explore, but changes to the world made today may not be reflected after we get up and running from Jeff's machine later tonight.
I am trying to see if an Amazon free EC2 cloud server is usable for a few players, so I installed Spigot MC almost...
I am trying to see if an Amazon free EC2 cloud server is usable for a few players, so I installed Spigot MC almost without plugins. I just added scriptcraft to prepare the workshop suggested by Aaron Schwartz.
If you want to help me test the server, you are welcome to connect to
If you want to help me test the server, you are welcome to connect to
Hi all,
The server will be down through the evening of Feb. 10th (U.S. East Coast time) as we migrate the files over to a new computer and get the system back up in running. In the meantime thanks for the patience!
Hi all,
The server will be down through the evening of Feb. 10th (U.S. East Coast time) as we migrate the files over to a new computer and get the system back up in running. In the meantime thanks for the patience!
Question: When will the 2018EVO Mincraft MOOC end?
Question: When will the 2018EVO Mincraft MOOC end? I had thought of it as a 5-week session. Is that the case? If so, what happens after that? Is the server just put into mothballs until next year?
BTW, yesterday Vance and I were doing some excavation of a buried Temple discovered by Laura.
BTW, yesterday Vance and I were doing some excavation of a buried Temple discovered by Laura. It was REALLY buried! And removing wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of sand was almost relaxing after the hassle of dealing with guardians.
But what was really interesting is that we may have been missing something important in our "smash and grab" lootings of the temples. The foundation on this one went below visible ground level and there was actually a cave underneath.
Makes me wonder about all the other temples we have just sacked and abandoned. Are there hidden chambers yet untouched?
But what was really interesting is that we may have been missing something important in our "smash and grab" lootings of the temples. The foundation on this one went below visible ground level and there was actually a cave underneath.
Makes me wonder about all the other temples we have just sacked and abandoned. Are there hidden chambers yet untouched?
Friday, February 9, 2018
You may have noticed a strange world when trying to log in.

You may have noticed a strange world when trying to log in. While in the process of migrating our server files, I have set up redirection to a tiny "skyblock" map. This is a special survival challenge where you spawn on a small island in the sky with very limited resources and have to figure out how to stay alive and keep expanding your build area. The gamedata from other worlds is currently in transit to a new home that (hopefully) will be able to handle our growing community.
Well, this is bizarre! I logged on then immediately died with the message: "abufletcher fell off of the world."

Well, this is bizarre! I logged on then immediately died with the message: "abufletcher fell off of the world."
Can we talk tech?
Can we talk tech?
I guess this is directed to the person(s) "behind-the-curtain"... infrastructure-wise...
What kind of configuration are running on? ( our in-world performance is pretty good even when many are on, spread out out over the world, accessing many areas simultaneously)
Dynmap seemed to me (not knowing anything about how or in-what the coding) to be very resource intensive, and even tho a bit slow at times, it too seemed to perform an amazing-heap-o-workload (a technical term), but you mentioned running out of space at single digit Gbs. I come from a odd genetic background with roots in both the left and right-brained disciplines (I think those terms/concepts are out of vogue now), but I work with graphics and we usually talk Tbs if we are going to be constrained to single digits. ;)
I don''t have any "new" equipment here... but I have a lot of toys. Maybe there is something laying about that would be an "upgrade"?
I know sometimes there are "other constraints" involved. When it came to hooking something up to the network (prior to), my IT department was "careful" in many ways... looking at security, upkeep & maint., actual "physical" issues like heat power requirements, noise(!?), providing access, and misc. other things that I was used to just "dealing with as they came up". I gradually became educated to some of the concepts, but not as many as I would have liked (it would be noice to be "admin-savvy" (but def. not to be "admin-responsible") ).
I ask for two purposes...
I. to get real-world data out there, about what it takes to "serve" a reasonable minecraft world (population/performance wise)
II. to offer resource support if I am able/it is "an option"
thanx for all you do
I guess this is directed to the person(s) "behind-the-curtain"... infrastructure-wise...
What kind of configuration are running on? ( our in-world performance is pretty good even when many are on, spread out out over the world, accessing many areas simultaneously)
Dynmap seemed to me (not knowing anything about how or in-what the coding) to be very resource intensive, and even tho a bit slow at times, it too seemed to perform an amazing-heap-o-workload (a technical term), but you mentioned running out of space at single digit Gbs. I come from a odd genetic background with roots in both the left and right-brained disciplines (I think those terms/concepts are out of vogue now), but I work with graphics and we usually talk Tbs if we are going to be constrained to single digits. ;)
I don''t have any "new" equipment here... but I have a lot of toys. Maybe there is something laying about that would be an "upgrade"?
I know sometimes there are "other constraints" involved. When it came to hooking something up to the network (prior to), my IT department was "careful" in many ways... looking at security, upkeep & maint., actual "physical" issues like heat power requirements, noise(!?), providing access, and misc. other things that I was used to just "dealing with as they came up". I gradually became educated to some of the concepts, but not as many as I would have liked (it would be noice to be "admin-savvy" (but def. not to be "admin-responsible") ).
I ask for two purposes...
I. to get real-world data out there, about what it takes to "serve" a reasonable minecraft world (population/performance wise)
II. to offer resource support if I am able/it is "an option"
thanx for all you do
Aaron Schwartz I think the server is down again :(
Aaron Schwartz I think the server is down again :(
Mircea Patrascu and I were working on the Ocean Monument. Just removing sand
Mircea Patrascu and I were working on the Ocean Monument. Just removing sand
From all those troubles with my so so lap top, I have definitely learned some importances about learners’...
From all those troubles with my so so lap top, I have definitely learned some importances about learners’ motivations; even if the individual learners have motivated, if there were any of unexpected troubles or in down-motivated situations, the learners easily stop keeping up learning. However, I will solve those troubles in order to join in the MC project. I’ll try again this weekend! Wish me luck!
Thursday, February 8, 2018
I may have found the I.T. department's "server racks" at Hinderval University...

I may have found the I.T. department's "server racks" at Hinderval University...
;) Dak
New Build in honor of Carnivale! /warp creative to find her

New Build in honor of Carnivale! /warp creative to find her
Dynamap is now disabled (no online map) but the server appears to be running fine.
Dynamap is now disabled (no online map) but the server appears to be running fine.
All users should be able to:
/tp /tpa
All users should be able to:
/tp /tpa
I have deleted a large portion of the dynamap map. It was all tiles that generated in the last week or so so the rest should be recoverable.
The permissions files got corrupted up when the drive was full so permissions need to be reassigned. Meet me in server if you want to help test.
I have deleted a large portion of the dynamap map. It was all tiles that generated in the last week or so so the rest should be recoverable.
The permissions files got corrupted up when the drive was full so permissions need to be reassigned. Meet me in server if you want to help test.
Our map has run out of space on the hard drive and I'm currently copying our worlds to another drive. This is taking some time but I hope to have it back online before 5pm EST.
Our map has run out of space on the hard drive and I'm currently copying our worlds to another drive. This is taking some time but I hope to have it back online before 5pm EST.
So as I was just trying to fix the issue with the /home and /back commands, I came across an interesting problem...
So as I was just trying to fix the issue with the /home and /back commands, I came across an interesting problem that people should be aware of it they plan on hosting minecraft servers.
For some reason, I was unable to edit any of the config files...and dynamap was throwing errors saying it could not save files.
It turns out hard drives can run out of space :)
So, I'm in the process of copying the server to another hard drive and hopefully it will be up and running this afternoon (it's currently 2:30pm Ohio Time)
For some reason, I was unable to edit any of the config files...and dynamap was throwing errors saying it could not save files.
It turns out hard drives can run out of space :)
So, I'm in the process of copying the server to another hard drive and hopefully it will be up and running this afternoon (it's currently 2:30pm Ohio Time)
Hi, everyone. Once again I would like to ask everyone to please NOT attempt to visit the desert biome I have recently discovered. This is now the site for formal research data collection which Jane and I hope may eventually yield publishable results.
We will be collecting game-play recordings (including voice) for the three players (Jane, Mattie, and Emanual). They will be engaged in a task similar to the current "temple question" although with no photo clues. I will bring them into the biome, then leave. I will not be participating in the play. They will know that there are (in fact) four temples in this biome, but will be given no further information. It's actually a fairly small biome and therefore perfect for our purpose. Jane and I have discussed it and agreed that having all player use the 1st person mode will make things easier for us later on. Also we'll have everyone set their FOV to 80.
After we have finished our data collection, you are all welcome to visit.
Hi, everyone. Once again I would like to ask everyone to please NOT attempt to visit the desert biome I have recently discovered. This is now the site for formal research data collection which Jane and I hope may eventually yield publishable results.
We will be collecting game-play recordings (including voice) for the three players (Jane, Mattie, and Emanual). They will be engaged in a task similar to the current "temple question" although with no photo clues. I will bring them into the biome, then leave. I will not be participating in the play. They will know that there are (in fact) four temples in this biome, but will be given no further information. It's actually a fairly small biome and therefore perfect for our purpose. Jane and I have discussed it and agreed that having all player use the 1st person mode will make things easier for us later on. Also we'll have everyone set their FOV to 80.
After we have finished our data collection, you are all welcome to visit.
Curious to see how an ocean monument looks from outside?
Curious to see how an ocean monument looks from outside?
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Vance and I went for a run headed north from my igloo.

Vance and I went for a run headed north from my igloo. Very interesting country! Polar bear country! With lots and lots of cubs!
Jane Chien
Jane Chien . I think the best would be if you can arrange a time with Rose for another 30min play session with you, Mattie, and Emanuel. Arrange with Rose to get a recording from Emanuel's computer, so that we would have the on-screen play of all three participants, and clear audio from each one. I will stay out of the game entirely to avoid any confusion.
If you can eliminate the source of the background noise for your next recording that would be great. Look around for the source of the noise (air conditioner?) and turn it off for the duration of the recording. Even changing the direction you're facing can help.
There is also a principled reason to avoid having four participants, namely the possibility of one conversation schisming into two conversations.
If you can eliminate the source of the background noise for your next recording that would be great. Look around for the source of the noise (air conditioner?) and turn it off for the duration of the recording. Even changing the direction you're facing can help.
There is also a principled reason to avoid having four participants, namely the possibility of one conversation schisming into two conversations.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
I've put all the Temple Quest photo clues into one Google+ Doc.
I've put all the Temple Quest photo clues into one Google+ Doc. I'll also add new clues there, until someone finds the temple...and wins the prize!
Jane Chien
Jane Chien . Let's start a new discussion here about the recording and documenting. The other discussion thread was getting confusing.
First, I need to know the exact details of the recording session. You say that you an Mattie were on different computers. Where you in the same room? Could you talk to each other (in the real-world)? Could you see what he was doing?
What software did you use to capture the on-screen video? Can you tell me what format the original video is in (mp4)? For proper CA work, a YouTube video would be impractical. I normally look at video with Quicktime, which also allows me to make framegrabs of particular moments.
Is your voice that I hear in the video coming through the speaker on Mattie's computer? Why is his voice so clear (and loud). I think I an also hear Emanuel. Where was Emanuel?
So many questions. But they all need to be answered to move forward.
First, I need to know the exact details of the recording session. You say that you an Mattie were on different computers. Where you in the same room? Could you talk to each other (in the real-world)? Could you see what he was doing?
What software did you use to capture the on-screen video? Can you tell me what format the original video is in (mp4)? For proper CA work, a YouTube video would be impractical. I normally look at video with Quicktime, which also allows me to make framegrabs of particular moments.
Is your voice that I hear in the video coming through the speaker on Mattie's computer? Why is his voice so clear (and loud). I think I an also hear Emanuel. Where was Emanuel?
So many questions. But they all need to be answered to move forward.
I tried to use a command to help me build something very big in one step, but I used a wrong parameter and I crashed...
I tried to use a command to help me build something very big in one step, but I used a wrong parameter and I crashed the server. I hope that Aaron will be able to restart it soon.
Sorry for the downtime :(
Sorry for the downtime :(
When it's raining out, I like to skip out to my igloo...where it will be snowing softly.

When it's raining out, I like to skip out to my igloo...where it will be snowing softly.
I wouldn't trade my igloo (which I found rather than built) for all the palaces in the MC world.
Then it was time for some personal exploration...headed south from the Icy Trees that Carol and I visited yesterday.

Then it was time for some personal exploration...headed south from the Icy Trees that Carol and I visited yesterday. After making my way southwest through dense forest, across copious rocky heaps of mossy cobblestone, past wolves, and swampland, I came to open water, started to swim, and I spotted a strange structure.
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This is about the best I've been able to do so far.
This is about the best I've been able to do so far. I can't get comments to upload consistently to blogger. It might be a bandwidth ...
Overnight, I thought about Steve Jenkinsens' discussion provoking MC experiment with the East India Company. It did indeed promote som...
How long does "night" last? And is there anything whatsoever to do during the night other that to wait for the sun to come up? A...
All of the cool stuff I'm seeing, all of the stuff that seems to offer redeeming education value, e.g. visiting ancient Rome, constructi...